“Consider the following case.
Someone is traveling by railway; his mind is busy with one thought; suddenly is thought diverges; he recollects an experience that befell him years ago and interweaves it with his present thought.
He did not notice that in looking through the window he had caught sight of a person who resembled another intimately connected with the recollected experience.
He remains conscious, not of what he saw, but of the effect it produced, and thus believes that it all came to him of its own accords.
How much in life occurs in such a way!
How great is the part played in our life by things we hear and learn, without our consciously realizing the connection!
Someone, for instance, cannot bear a certain color, but does not realize that this is due to the fact that the schoolmaster who used to worry him many years ago wore a coat of that color.
Innumerable illusions are based upon such associations.
Many things leave their mark upon the soul while remaining outside the pale of consciousness.”
-Rudolf Steiner-
This brilliant quote from Rudolf Steiner perfectly describes what in German New Medicine is called a Track or a Trigger and what most people call "allergies or autoimmune conditions".
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer discovered that when we are "allergic" to something the problem isn't the substance (dairy, gluten, dander, pollen, etc.) itself, but rather exposure is subconsciously linked to a Biological Conflict Shock that occurred previously.
For example:
A child is petting the family cat when their mom finds their report card and suddenly storms into the child's room yelling and grounds them for two weeks.
The child was shocked by the mother's response and experienced an intense feeling of "This Stinks" which initiated a Stink Conflict affecting their sinuses.
When we experience a Conflict Shock the nervous system takes a snapshot of everything in the person's environment at the time and catalogs the information.
Now, whenever the child pets their cat their body instinctively reactivates a Stink Conflict because of the time they got grounded.
If you were eating bread while experiencing an Indigestible Morsel Conflict = digestive issues.
If you had dairy in your system while experiencing a Separation Conflict = rashes.
Track and triggers can be tied to scents, substances, people, places, etc.
The body is not making a mistake or attacking itself.
It is simply responding with its ancient biological programming to information it has received via your perception of the experiences you've had in your life.
If you are highly motivated to resolve the allergy you can un-link substances from Biological Programs and get rid of the track by making shifts in your consciousness and perception.
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