Understanding the Biological Special Program known as a “Urinary Tract Infection” or “Bladder Infection”.
Pain/burning with urination
Cloudy urine
Frequent urination
Blood in urine
“(Territorial) Marking Conflict"
The individual experiences an invasion of their boundaries.
This could be related to their “territory” (home, office, neighborhood, land, relationship), it could have to do with someone crossing a line, controlling behavior, betrayal, suspicions that boundaries have been crossed, invasion of personal space, disrespectful treatment of property, or something along this theme.
While the individual is actively experiencing the “Marking Conflict” their cerebral cortex communicates with the ectodermal lining of the bladder mucosa and/or the urethral mucosa causing it to erode or widen.
The biological purpose of this widening is to enhance the volume of the bladder and passageway of the urethra so the individual can better “mark their territory”.
There are many possible resolutions: confronting those involved, setting boundaries, leaving the relationship or job, the situation changes, change of perspective, make peace, etc.
The body sets to work restoring the tissue that was lost during the Conflict. This is where the symptoms commonly referred to as a “UTI or bladder infection” show up. The urethra and/or bladder are a “reconstruction zone” there is swelling of the mucous membrane which causes pain and burning during urination and sometimes bleeding.
The height of the healing phase, the “big squeeze” to press out edema. Acute pain, spasms, cramping.
Continued tissue restoration. According to the 4th Biological Law, bacteria are our faithful helpers and they aid the tissue restoration during the Healing Phase. The bacteria do not CAUSE the infection. They are present and active during the restoration process of a Conflict that has been resolved.
If you are interested in learning ways to shift your perception of this type of conflict check out this program:
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