The single most important skill for Resolving Biological Conflicts (and for creating the success and happiness we all want in life) is Conscious Awareness of what is going on in your own mind.
We have big and very busy brains!
The average person has somewhere between 15,000-70,000 thoughts EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Some research has shown that 98% of the thoughts we think are IDENTICAL to thoughts we have thought the day before...
...and that 80% of those thoughts are NEGATIVE!
Each thought we think and each emotion we feel is a communication to our body about how safe or not safe we are and whether and what kind of physical adaptation is necessary.
Positive, harmonious thoughts tend to send a message of safety and wellbeing to our bodies...
Whereas negative, discordant thoughts tend to create a tense psychobiological environment that pushes us towards our threshold for what we can handle predisposes us to Conflict Shocks.
If you’ve ever attempted to shift your thoughts, you’ve probably noticed that it can be quite difficult to “turn the ship around” once it’s already in mental motion with a lot of momentum behind it.
Our habits of thought occur along specially-made neural pathways and the more these thoughts are thought and the more these pathways are used the more neurological bandwidth they acquire and the more effective and efficient we become at thinking those thoughts...
Whether thinking them serve us or not.
Repetitive patterns of thought create mental grooves that are carved out in our brains which make it easier and easier to think the same thoughts again in the future.
The better we get at thinking a thought, the easier it is to think...
The faster we can think it...
And the more unconsciously and automatically this thinking occurs.
The result of being really good at thinking a thought it that it feels as if the thought thinks itself, like our mind is running on autopilot outside of our control.
If you’ve ever struggled to make a permanent shift to better thinking, it is definitely not because you’re lazy or broken...
It’s just a matter of it being easier to take the well-traveled path than it is to blaze a new trail, at least until you have a toolbox full of powerful trailblazing tools at your disposal.
Believe me: I’ve been there.
I know how easy it is to throw in the towel and think something like:
“There’s no use in trying to change; this must just be the way I am…”
You may not feel like you have control over thinking these kinds of thoughts (yet)...
But you do have a choice about whether you’re going to believe them and allow them to run your life.
If you want to give it another go with an approach that works so well it seems like magic...
I invite you to do our signature 5 Day Awareness Challenge!
This challenge is an incredible, truly transformative experience.
The secret to the success of this challenge is that is isn’t about fixing you or changing you...
It’s about connecting you to your inner resources and evoking from you your innate capacity for conscious choice and for permanent, positive change.
Past participants have reported amazing realizations in just the first few hours of the first day of doing the exercises in this challenge.
You can access the 5 Day Awareness Challenge as well as 14 modules of incredible material for helping you understand resolve conflicts by joining Resolve program!
We search to the ends of the earth for cures and remedies to the things that ail us, yet so few ever think to explore the inner realm of their thoughts and feelings.
There is gold right under your nose...
Or rather, right behind your eyes...
And we are so excited to help you find it!
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