The Biological Program associated with muscle paralysis is a Motor/Movement Conflict.
This type of Conflict occurs when a person is caught off guard by feeling stuck or restricted in some way either literally or metaphorically.
Examples of a literal Motor Conflict… being physically restrained or held down, being trapped in an accident, being incapacitated following an injury, etc.

Examples of a metaphorical Motor Conflict… being stuck in a difficult life situation, wanting to do something but feeling like your hands are tied, feeling frozen in fear, etc.
The body responds to the intense shocking feeling of being stuck by causing the involved muscles to “play dead”.

This will cause parts of the body to become paralyzed, feel weak or heavy, or clumsy.
The Biological Purpose of the muscles “playing dead” is to help you survive until the danger which is making you feel stuck passes.
When you resolve this Conflict, there is continued paralysis during the first phase of healing due to the brain edema which stretches the synapses.
During the epileptoid crisis there is a sudden reconnection of the nerve cells which can result in muscle spasms, twitching, cramps, convulsions, or possibly a seizure.
Following the epi-crisis the function of the muscle begins to normalize provided that there are no relapses back into the Motor/Movement Conflict.
Watch the full tutorial video:
If you are interested in learning ways to resolve to this type of conflict:
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