Do you feel stuck? Trapped? Like you're fighting against yourself?
Have you been working hard and fighting to create a certain outcome and it just hasn't happened yet and you're feeling fed up, frustrated, and exhausted?
I want you to try something that may seem counter intuitive...
Stop the Struggle. Stop Fighting. Make Peace With Where You Are.
If there's a part of you saying "HECK NO I don't want this and I'm going to fight as hard as I can to change it" I totally get it.
At first glance acceptance can seem like giving up or giving in.
It can seem like you're just succumbing to a crappy reality and choosing to roll over instead of work and fight for what you want.
But if you've been working and fighting all this time and you haven't created your desired outcome yet, I invite you to give acceptance a shot.
Relaxing into where you are and bathing yourself in okayness is often the key to the results you are looking for.
Just like with this old children's finger trap toy... the way to get out of it is not to pull harder in opposite directions, but rather to relax... to give in... and go against what seems like the way out.
This is especially true when you're trying to heal from a disease or illness.
More fighting, more struggle, more angst, more frustration = more conflict, more adaptation, more feeling unsafe.
More relaxation, more chilling out, more acceptance, more ease = healing, restoration, safety
Take the path of least resistance.
Remind yourself the only reason you are where you are is because it's on the way to where you want to go.
This is not your final destination.
It's only a pit stop.
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