From the German New Medicine perspective, musculoskeletal pain is due to the Healing Phase of a Self-Devaluation Conflict.
This is a very interesting type of Conflict which serves its Biological Purpose after the Biological Program is completed.
While you are actively in a pattern of Self-Devaluation your body is receiving the message “I am not [strong/smart/beautiful/worthy] enough”.
Since the body is solution oriented, when presented with this Conflict it is biologically programmed to remedy this situation.
The way it accomplishes this is with what you could call a biological renovation project.
For each moment you are in the state of Self-Devaluation your body erodes the tissue region involved with the specific type of Self-Devaluation you are experiencing.
For example:
Intellectual Self-Devaluation = Neck
Relationship Self-Devaluation = Shoulder
Feeling Unsupported or Humiliated Self-Devaluation = Low Back
Physical Performance Self-Devaluation = Knee
The intensity of the Self-Devaluation determines which tissue type will be involved:
Mild Self-Devaluation = Fat, Blood Vessels
Moderate Self-Devaluation = Muscles, Lymph
Severe Self-Devaluation = Bones
This erosion process will continue as long as a person is Devaluing themselves.
The moment they resolve the Conflict the body begins restoring and refilling the tissue that was eroded during the Conflict.
This is the Reconstruction Phase!
This is when the body makes you more than “enough” by reinforcing and making all the tissues involved stronger and more robust than before the Conflict.
It is during the Reconstruction Phase that a person will experience uncomfortable symptoms.
The area will be swollen, painful, and they will be fatigued.
It is very important that all humans understand this process because during the Reconstruction Phase it is possible to get caught up in a vicious cycle leading to chronic pain.
When you are exhausted and in pain (especially pain that was not preceded by an obvious injury) it can be very easy to DEVALUE yourself for not being able to take care of your normal responsibilities and obligations to your family and/or job.
Add to that a trip to the doctor where they tell you “nothing is wrong with you, it’s all in your head” and this is the perfect storm for a persistent thought pattern of Self-Devaluation which is what started this whole thing off to begin with.
When you understand the 5 Biological Laws chronic pain is no longer a mystery!
Chronic pain is a logical progression when a person does not understand why they are experiencing severe and at times debilitating pain.
The pain is due to the reconstruction process that was initiated by a Self-Devaluation and when the body has completed the full reconstruction the pain will cease.
The reconstruction process may still be quite painful and difficult to go through and require you to take time off from your normal lifestyle, but if you are confident that you are not continuing to devalue yourself you can be confident that there is an end in sight.
If you have been in a cycle of Self-Devaluation for many years it can be difficult at first to recognize when you are even doing it because the Self-Devaluation thought patterns have become normalized.
Understanding the nuances of Self-Devaluation and reprogramming your mind so you can resolve this Conflict is one of our major focuses in the Resolve Courses.
If this has been an ongoing issue for you check out the program all about resolving self-devaluation conflicts:
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