Confession time: I used to be such a militant health food zealot that I literally told my dad that he didn’t love me and didn’t want to live to see his grandkids because of the half gallon of ice cream he always kept (not very well) hidden in the deep freezer. 🤦♀️
I was so convinced that unhealthy food was the #1 cause of disease that I was willing to go to great (ridiculous) lengths to scare my loved ones into changing their behavior in order to prevent them from developing cancer or heart disease.
At the time I had no idea that the bad feelings of guilt and shame I was (at least trying to) lay on them were much worse for their health than the scoop of ice cream in the evening that I was so worried about. “Well are you saying that you can eat sugar and fast food and that it won’t eventually cause cancer or disease?” Yep.
This was a radical idea for me when I first learned about it, but everything changed for me when I realized something truly life changing: That what most people call disease is not actually the breakdown of normal function due to unhealthy lifestyle habits or the result of “bad genes” that most people think it is.
The 5 Biological Laws provide a framework for understanding how the tissue adaptations that are commonly labeled “disease” occur in direct response to and as a direct result of shocking emotional trauma experienced by the organism. No cancer. No heart disease.
And this is so regardless of what the person’s diet was like. Consider the well known paradox of the person who smoke, drank, and ate terribly, and lived happily and healthily into their 90s... Versus the person who was “the picture of health”, had great nutrition and exercise habits only to die suddenly in their 40s after a shocking diagnosis.
This is not to say that nutrition plays no role in overall vitality and the body’s ability to heal...
Because it most certainly does. Adequate, quality nutrition (especially protein) is absolutely vital over the life of the organism and particularly during the tissue restoration phase that accompanies many special biological programs.
Healthy foods are important for energy levels and for maintaining youthful vitality. Unprocessed, fresh, mindfully-sourced foods are still extremely important to me. I do my best to eat well and I encourage you to do the same. It’s not that what we eat doesn’t matter... It’s just that the role that it plays is in supporting health rather than preventing disease.
This is because disease as most people intellectually understand it simply does not exist. Symptoms are real and the personal experiences we associate with what we call disease are real as well...
But our understanding of what the processes collectively referred to as “sickness” and “disease”... The essence of what these processes “are”, what they constitute at the biological level... The role that they play in the life of the organism... And therefore also the most effective approaches for responding to them... Are way overdue for a complete overhaul.
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