Your body is always responding to your perception.
Your body is not making mistake when you develop health symptoms.
The idea of “Autoimmune” disease is inaccurate.
Your body does not attack you.
Symptoms that we once believed were errors of function are more accurately described as miscommunications.
Your modern human mind is complicated, your ancient body is simple.
While you are having a complex human experience that you could describe to me in hundreds and hundreds of words over a 20-minute phone call your body simply know:
Safety or Danger
When you push the “danger” button, your body engages the “danger” program.
When you stop pressing the button your body starts the repair process.
Our big brains are so good at thinking things, so quick to assign meaning, so quick to make a judgment that most of us are unaware of what specifically is being communicated to your ancient tissues.
That is why Conscious Awareness is the key to resolving Conflict and creating amazing health.
You have to become Aware of what you are communicating to your body.
When you are totally aware of what you’ve been communicating to your body you’ll no longer feel like there is a disagreement between your mind and your body.
You’ll see that your body has been responding perfectly to what you have been communicating all along.
When you start sending new messages you’ll start getting a different response.
Most of us are just so good at pressing that danger button without being aware that we are doing it that it seems like our body is making a mistake, but that is never the case.
The body’s response is always perfectly calibrated to whatever message it has received.
It is the conscious mind that has to become aware of its own power and wield it wisely.
If you want assistance with this process consider enrolling in one of the many Resolve courses:
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